Performance Meal Planning

April 11, 2023
Sue James

Learn how to create your own performance plate.

Most high school, college and professional athletes are in the middle of a season or are doing the heavy lifting of an off season workout.I have spent years working with athletes at all levels and having the right balance of food on their plate is one of the most challenging. Time is limited and school or work are the priority. Let’s break down the five steps to stayfueled daily.


1.    Get the food in the house, apartment, or hotel!If the food is not accessible it can not be eaten. Grocery store and marketoptions are convenient since they offer online shopping and pick up ordelivery. Instacart, Ubereats and local grocery stores also offer personalshoppers. Take advantage of these services by meeting the minimum with orderingwith teammates  and housemates. Once youfind your store – stick with it since they will keep your favorites in thequeue.


2.    Create a Main List and a Bonus list of groceryitems so each week there is a consistent balance of nutrients. It will also beeasier to stay within a budget. Examples of Main list items may include:


Whole grains/Carbs – Oatmeal, Potatoes, WholeGrain bread, Rice, Black Beans

Proteins – Chicken, Tuna, Eggs, Turkey,Peanut Butter

Vegetables/Fruit – Bananas, Broccoli,Greens, Green Beans, Carrots, Apples, Oranges

Healthy Fats – Olive Oil, Canola Oil,Avocado, Peanuts

Bonus List items allow you to change upyour menu and add a little variety. It is also an opportunity to purchase sale tems to keep your budget in check. The Bonus List may include:


Whole Grains/Carbs – Granola, Quinoa, PintoBeans, Tortillas, Chickpeas

Proteins - Salmon/Halibut, Filet Mignon, Steak, Ham, Beyond Burger

Vegetables/Fruit- Mushrooms, Tomatoes,Romaine Lettuce, Pineapple, Pears, Raisins

Healthy Fats –Sesame Oil, Peanut Oil,Cashews, Almonds, Almond Butter


3.    Prep the food on a weekend or oder Pre-cut and prepped vegetables. When eating dinner is also a time to prepare a couple cups of riceor pasta and bake potatoes for the next day. This will make eating after practice as simple as reheating the food. Purchase pre-cooked meats and cannedseafood (tuna, salmon) for easy home prep.


4.    Go for a bowl or one stop plate! Balance the nutrients at the meal by adding the food groups in the bowl or plate . Here are someeasy, quick meals:


Chicken, Potatoes, Broccoli, and Apple

Eggs, Toast, Orange (Breakfast for dinner!).                 

3,300+ Boiled Egg Toast Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty ...

Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich, Carrots

Black Beans, Rice, Chicken, and Broccoli Bowl, Pineapple


The variations are endless once you have your Main and Bonus Lists.


5.    Don’t forget the hydration. Water is the best hydrator so have re-usable water bottles pre-filled and carry a couple if you will be on the go all day. Dehydration is the best predictor for an injury to occur. If you are tired of water add a little flavoring with fresh lemon, strawberries, or cucumbers. DIY your flavored waters will be healthier and saveyou money.



Keep it simple and don’t overcomplicate eating for performance. Time is precious for all of us. Take the time to plan and prepso a meal is at your fingertips when the workout is done.

Contact Sue for a personalized fueling plan or download a 7-day fueling menu at

This information is provided for educational purposes only. For medical concerns, please make an appointment with your healthcare provider.

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Step 1
Choose Your Service and select a date and time for your personalized nutrition consultation.
Step 2
Complete the Intake and Insurance Forms: Share your health goals, lifestyle, and any medications (including weight loss medications) to help me tailor your plan.
Step 3
Start Your Wellness Journey: Join your scheduled session and receive expert nutrition guidance to support your weight wellness goals!
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